No Sweat.
As North America’s largest independent production crew and labor management firm, we specialize in end-to-end labor management – that means we take all the work of sourcing, scheduling, managing, paying and maintaining a labor force off of your hands.
Technical Skills.
As a partner in event production, Program Productions grants our clients access to the very best technical production support vendors in the industry. We offer procurement and coordination of all technical aspects of your event.
Event Labor
Production Management
Employer of Record
Production Payroll
Tech Support
Local Expertise.
Our crews work over 25,000 event days a year, providing live event labor all across North America.
Experience ProCrewz®
The essential enterprise
resource management platform.
This revolutionary app grants your teams unprecedented access to real-time information, and the ability to communicate efficiently in a fast-paced environment. ProCrewz® gives you the power to streamline workflow, be more efficient in communications, and elevate your production like never before.